Lord God, My Father,
Make me a child again in Your Presence.
Make me, Your son, like my Saviour.
As a child, I can be content because I rely upon You. I am not anxious and do not fret when life
goes wrong because I know that nothing goes wrong with You.
As a child, I will forgive and not hold a grudge. For I know that love and friendship with those
around me create the spice in the dish of life You serve to me.
As a child, I will marvel at creation and I will dream big dreams. I will run and not grow tired for
I have an endless source of energy that springs from my reliance on You.
As a child, I will be innocent and free of doubt, cynicism, and skepticism. And I will have the
faith to believe that my Father can be asked big questions and provide big answers.
As a child, I will be imaginative and ready to learn. I will know that work is part of my day but
not my whole day and I will find ways to create joy in the midst of my toil.
As a child, I will be obedient. I want to dance when the music plays, even if only in my mind,
and to rest when it is time to rest always under Your watchful eyes.
As a child, I will be a better husband, a better father, a better leader, and a better listener. I will
be better at all of these because I can stop, watch, and imitate You.
I readily acknowledge, Lord God, that while I rely upon You for my strength, I am responsible for
my own actions. May these actions, and this rule, always be pleasing to You.
Lord God, My Father,
Make me a child again in Your Presence.